138 lines
5.6 KiB
138 lines
5.6 KiB
from os import getcwd as pwd
from getpass import getpass
from common.common import clear
import csv
def fin_03():
"""You need to create a program that will store the user ID and passwords
for the users of a system. It should display the following menu:
1) Create a new User ID
2) Change a password
3) Display all User IDs
4) Quit
Enter selection:
If the user selects 1, it should ask them to enter a user ID. It should check
if the user ID is already in the list. If it is, the program should display
a suitable message and ask them to select another user ID. Once a suitable
user ID has been entered it should ask for a password. Passwords should be
scored with 1 point for each of the following:
- it should have at least 8 characters.
- it should include uppercase letters.
- it should include lower case letters.
- it should include numbers.
- it should include at least one special character such as
!, £, $, %, &, <, * or @.
If the password scores only 1 or 2 it should be rejected with a message
saying it is a weak password; if it scores 3 or 4 tell them that "This
password could be improved." Ask them if they want to try again. If it
scores 5 tell them they have selected a strong password. Only acceptable
user IDs and passwords should be added to the end of the .csv file. If they
select 2 from the menu they will need to enter a user ID, check to see if
the user ID exists in the list, and if it does, allow the user to change the
password and save the changes to the .csv file. Make sure the program only
alters the existing password and does not create a new record. If the user
selects 3 from the menu, display all the user IDs but not the passwords. If
the user selects 4 from the menu it should stop the program."""
file_path = f"{pwd()}/final/files/users.csv"
menu = """
Administrador de Usuarios
1) Crear nuevo ID de usuario
2) Cambiar una contraseña
3) Ver todos los ID de usuario
s) Salir
def create_pass():
points = 0
while points < 3:
points = 0
password = getpass("Ingresa la contraseña: ")
if len(password) >= 8:
points += 1
x = len([1 for p in password if p.isupper()])
points += 1 if x > 0 else 0
x = len([1 for p in password if p.islower()])
points += 1 if x > 0 else 0
x = len([1 for p in password if p.isdigit()])
points += 1 if x > 0 else 0
x = len([1 for p in password if p in '!£$%&<*@'])
points += 1 if x > 0 else 0
if points < 3:
print("La contraseña es demasiado debil")
elif 2 < points < 5:
resp = input("El password podría ser mejor, ¿quieres mejorarlo? (S|n): ").lower()
if resp != 'n':
points = 0
repass = getpass("Verificar la contraseña:")
if repass != password:
points = 0
return password
def create_user():
user = input("Ingresa el nombre de usuario: ").strip()
temp_users = get_users()
if temp_users is None or user not in temp_users:
password = create_pass()
with open(file_path, '+a') as file:
input("Usuario creado, presiona Enter para continuar")
input("Usuario ya existe, presiona Enter para continuar")
def change_pass():
user = input("Ingresa el nombre del usuario a modificar contraseña: ")
temp_users = get_users()
if temp_users is not None and user in temp_users:
password = create_pass()
temp_data = []
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file)
for line in reader:
if user in line[0]:
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
print(f"Password actualizado exitosamente")
print("El usuario ingresado no existe")
input("Presiona Enter para continuar")
def get_users():
temp_users = []
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
read = csv.reader(file)
for r in read:
except FileNotFoundError:
return temp_users
while True:
print(f"Ruta archivo:\n{file_path}")
sel = input("Ingresa una opción: ")
match sel:
case "1":
case "2":
case "3":
users = get_users()
print("\n Usuarios \n----------")
for user in users:
print(" "+user)
input("\nPresiona Enter para continuar")
case "s":
case _:
print("Debes ingresar una opción válida")
input("Presiona enter para continuar")