from os import getcwd as pwd import tkinter as tk def tk_10(): """Create your own icon that consists of several vertical multi-coloured lines. Create a logo which measures 200 x 150, using Paint or another graphics package. Create the following window using your own icon and logo.When the user enters their name and clicks on the Press Me button it should display "Hello" and their name in the second text box.""" base_path = f"{pwd()}/tkgui/imgs" c_bg="magenta" window = tk.Tk() window.geometry("400x300") window.configure(background=c_bg) title_icon = tk.PhotoImage(file = f"{base_path}/devfzn_64x64.png") window.iconphoto(False, title_icon) window.title("Saludo Tk") photo1 = tk.PhotoImage(file = f"{base_path}/img_4.png") photobox1 = tk.Label(window, image=photo1) photobox1["image"] = photo1 photobox1["bg"] = c_bg,y=0,width=250,height=200) name_in = tk.Entry(), y=200, width=160, height=30) lbl_name = tk.Message(text="Nombre", font="Verdana 12") lbl_name["bg"] = c_bg lbl_name["width"] = 70 lbl_name["justify"] = "center", y=200, width=70, height=30) lbl_msg = tk.Message(text="", font="Verdana 18"), y=240, width=200, height=30) lbl_msg["justify"] = "left" lbl_msg["width"] = 200 lbl_msg["bg"] = c_bg def clicked(): sel = name_in.get() name_in["text"] = "" msg = f"Hola {sel}" lbl_msg["text"] = msg name_in.focus() button = tk.Button(text="Click", command=clicked), y=240, width=100, height=30) name_in.focus() window.mainloop()