from os import getcwd as pwd import tkinter as tk from random import randint def tk_11(): """Create a new program that will generate two random whole numbers between 10 and 50. It should ask the user to add the numbers together and type in the answer. If they get the question correct, display a suitable image such as a tick; if they get the answer wrong, display another suitable image such as a cross. They should click on a Next button to get another question.""" base_path = f"{pwd()}/tkgui/imgs" window = tk.Tk() window.title("Sumas TK") window.geometry("380x470") title_icon = tk.PhotoImage(file = f"{base_path}/devfzn_64x64.png") window.iconphoto(False, title_icon) def generate(): num = randint(10,50) txt_box_1["fg"] = "black" txt_box_1["bg"] = "magenta" txt_box_1["text"] = f"{num}" num = randint(10,50) txt_box_2["fg"] = "black" txt_box_2["bg"] = "magenta" txt_box_2["text"] = f"{num}" txt_num_in.delete(0, 'end') img_ini = tk.PhotoImage(file = f"{base_path}/ini.png") box_img.image = img_ini box_img["image"] = img_ini box_img.update() lbl_resp["text"] = "" txt_num_in.focus() lbl_info = tk.Label(text="SUMA", font="Verdana 50"), y=25, width=300, height=75) txt_box_1 = tk.Message(text="", font="Verdana 30") txt_box_1["fg"] = "red" txt_box_1["bg"] = "cyan" txt_box_1["justify"] = "center" txt_box_1["width"] = 80, y=160, width=80, height=80) lbl_plus = tk.Label(text="+", font="Verdana 20"), y=185, width=20, height=20) lbl_equal = tk.Label(text="=", font="Verdana 20"), y=185, width=20, height=20) txt_box_2 = tk.Message(text="", font="Verdana 30") txt_box_2["fg"] = "red" txt_box_2["bg"] = "cyan" txt_box_2["justify"] = "center" txt_box_2["width"] = 80, y=160, width=80, height=80) def check(): num_1 = txt_box_1["text"] num_2 = txt_box_2["text"] resp = txt_num_in.get() resp = resp.replace(' ', '') if resp.isdigit() and (int(resp) == int(num_1)+int(num_2)): lbl_resp["text"] = "¡Correcto!" img_resp = tk.PhotoImage(file = f"{base_path}/ok.png") box_img.image = img_resp else: lbl_resp["text"] = "¡Incorrecto!" img_resp = tk.PhotoImage(file = f"{base_path}/error.png") box_img.image = img_resp box_img["image"] = img_resp box_img.update() btn_launch.focus() btn_launch = tk.Button(text="Generar", command=generate), y=110, width=300, height=35) btn_launch.focus() txt_num_in = tk.Entry(font="Verdana 30") txt_num_in["fg"] = "black" txt_num_in["bg"] = "cyan" txt_num_in["justify"] = "center" txt_num_in["width"] = 4, y=160, width=80, height=80) btn_check = tk.Button(text="Comprobar", command=check), y=260, width=300, height=35) lbl_resp = tk.Label(text="", font="Verdana 20"), y=400, width=300, height=75) img_ini = tk.PhotoImage(file = f"{base_path}/ini.png") box_img = tk.Label(window, image=img_ini) box_img["image"] = img_ini,y=310,width=100,height=100) window.mainloop()